St augustine biography name

5 facts about st. augustine the person

Augustine of Hippo was perhaps the greatest Christian philosopher of Antiquity and certainly the one who exerted the deepest and most lasting influence.

st augustine biography name

St augustine death

St Augustine was an influential Christian theologian from Numidia (modern-day Algeria).

St augustine life before conversion

Augustine Quotes "Virtue and vice are not the same, even if they undergo the same torment." City of God I "My ears were already satiated with similar things; neither did they appear to me more conclusive, because better expressed; nor true, because oratorical; nor the spirit necessarily wise, because the face was comely and the language eloquent.".

What is st augustine known for
The last decade of Augustine’s life is marked by a vitriolic debate with the Pelagianist ex-bishop Julian of Aeclanum who accused Augustine of crypto-Manicheism and of denying free will while Augustine blamed him and the Pelagianists for evacuating Christ’s sacrifice by denying original sin (Drecoll –).