Biography of ashoka samrat 6th
King ashoka story
Ashoka Maurya commonly known as Ashoka and Ashoka the Great, was born on BCE Pataliputra, (Modern day Patna) to the Mauryan emperor Bindusara and a relatively lower .
Ashoka wife karuvaki
सम्राट अशोक, जिन्हें अशोक महान के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, मौर्य साम्राज्य के सबसे महान और शक्तिशाली शासकों में से एक थे। वे .
How did ashoka die
Ashoka the Great Introduction: Ashoka the Great (also Samrat Ashoka, Ashoka Maurya) succeeded to the throne of Mauryan Empire in B.C., after the death of his father, .
Ashoka wife
After the death of Asoka's father, Binder Sar, Ashoka and his older brother competed for the throne.